Thursday, March 15, 2007

MROAD beta version 0.0.2 revision 15

Bangun tidur, bkn gosok gigi, bkn mandi, terus gi kat PC and sambung debug. Ini la hidup programmer. Br mlm smlm tgk member training, sedih je but nevermind. So far da isolate the problem. Dekat db ada data salah. So betulkan la ... tambah 1 line je kat and da siap.

Da dapat path yg tak bercabang, so far so good...

Kalau guna the same path, walaupun takde cabang2, still bkn optimum.
As suspected before this, algo ada salah. Salah sikit la. End node die jumpa tapi for some reason die naik atas amik detour jauh gile ... patut ikut jalan hijau tu (ditambah using photoshop and is not a part of the programme). This bug is still to be fixed. Ada banyak lagi bug ... tp one at a time. Special thanks to Mohd Marwan that helped during debugging. And I forgot to mention before, he is also involved in the building of the core engine.

Siapa yg nak bende ni leh email aku ...
-Python 2.3++
-pysqlite2 module

I am considering making this a stand alone to eliminate these requirements...



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