Friday, September 21, 2007

Presentation Night

Nothing much has happened since the grand final. Uni ?? ... boring ... same as usual. Lots of assignments, still at it. Anyways, its been a while since I updated my blog. As I said, nothing much has happened.

There was the Mariners' presentation night. This night was probably the most important for me because it would most likely be tha very last time I meet up with my 'family' here in Cairns.

It was fun, well, sort of ... anyway, the food was good, just had fish(like I had any other options). They had this presentation of what happened during the entire season, on and off the field. It's quite funny the way the boys bond together. Felt more at home, more accepted. One where male and male kissing is fine and not considered to be gay(depends where you kiss really .. haha). Well, I had the feast and after that they presented trophies.
Won that trophy. It says 'Most Improved Player 2007'. Last season I won the Most Appreciated Player. So I guess its an impprovement ... hahaha ... can't help thinking they gave it to me just because it's my last season for them. Or the fact that I was the most vulnerable and most frequently injured player. Fractured cheekbone last season, dislocated shoulder this season. Well ... whatever ... it's still a trophy.
Lastly the boys gave me one last souvenir. A 2003 World Cup Wallabies Jersey signed by the Mariners. I was touched. Would have preferred a jersey in Mariners' colors, which we would have recieved if we won the Grand Final, which we didn't. Anyway this jersey means so much to me in a different way. It's not a symbol of what level I've played, but a symbol of what the boys mean to me. Brothers. It's a sad feeling to play you last game for them. I am not known to cry but at the end I was in tears, really.

All I can say is my stay here in Australia was not exciting s people may think. But I cherished every moment I had on the field. I can only wonder what the future holds for me, but I doubt I'll have greater moments as a player. This has been the 2 best years of my life.

I will always remember your guidance.
The memories you've given me.
Your heart, courage and bravery.
I will always remember the Mariners.

Thanks boys. Love you all ....



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