Sunday, September 17, 2006

Project continued ...

Mid term da nak dekat... nak studi malas lak ...
Well, when I have free time I continued building on the A* project. It's got a fancy UI now. I can't merge it with the pygame interface, so I had to use threading and open a Tkinter UI thread. So now it ended up looking like the GIMP user interface. Might be an inefficient way to get around it but who cares. The funny thing is now the UI is getting to be more complicated than the path finding algorithm. I tried to make it as modular as possible, except that there are several classes in 1 file. This is what it looks like now: I tried to convert it to an exe so everyone can use it but I can't just yet. I'll figure out the problem later. To run the progam you need python 2.4 and pygame.
You can get the files here


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