Monday, February 26, 2007

Why ??

People ask me why we do it ... why put our bodies on the line ... for glory no one will remember.
Why get cuts, bruises, fractures, broken bones, dislocations just in the name of 'fun'.
What do we have to prove?? That we're tough??That we're macho ?? That we're man enough ??

well the truth is, I don't know why. I just like doing it.
And its something people like you can never understand...


Saturday, February 24, 2007

Trauma lagiiiiii

sabtu tu ada game ... da main tuk satu half, disebabkan team lawan x cukup org, aku main tuk diorg gak. Tinggal lg 20 minit, aku dapat bola, pstu kne tackle.

Aku jatuh style Superman, tiba2 rasa sakit kat bahu blah kanan. Member aku pon escort aku ke tepi pdg ... igt minor injury. Skali bukak baju ... bahu aku dah kat bawah...DISLOCATED

Member aku pn anta aku gi hospital. Sampai2 semua org pandang je ... hahahaha.

Masa tu tgn aku da kurang kebas so da start sakit. Nurse tu kasi morphine... tp x cukup .... die kasi lg. Brapa byk die kasi aku pn da lupa...

Die siap leh tanya "How do you feel ??"
Aku pandang die ngan muka sarkastik, aku jawab "How do you think it feels ??"
Die gelak ...

Setelah sekian lama dok borak ngan member, 3 org doktor dtg nak masukkan balik tgn aku. Pstu xleh so die gi panggil reinforcements lagi 2 org laki

masa die buat tu tak sakit langsung lak ... mungkin sbb die da byk kasi pain relief.

Anyway aku skrg tak dibenarkan menggerakkan tangan aku selama 2 minggu. Aku kne gi rehab lagi 2 minggu lepas tu. What a start to the semester, What a start to the season.

So jgn kacau aku sgt .... xde mood


Friday, February 16, 2007

Final Night

hmmm ... sok pagi nak gerak da ...
one half can't wait to get back, the other wishes not to leave.
Strange feeling really.

I don't know why but I keep getting ill since I've returned. I think it might be the change in lifestyle or diet. I've lost more than 5kg's since the lat time I checked ...


To all my friends, see you in a year or so, depends on what the future holds for me.
Thanks ... (especially to those yg ikut aku carik jersi home Malaysia)

Monday, February 12, 2007

XWAU continued ...

Takde pape ... just gambar2 je ... and close-up engine ... enjoy


Thursday, February 08, 2007


Finally finished. Textured nicely pakai motif songket. Didn't take long. Just got involved in several other things which needed more attention. Yg banyak makan masa pon detail kat bahagian engine tu tp tak nampak sgt pon .... tp kalau close up cun gak la ... heheheh . Texturing pon main bedal je ngan cara paling simple. Tp result puas ati so takpe la ...
