Sunday, November 25, 2007


I posted my stuff on I-Bands last week. Dark Matter is climbing the charts like crazy, currently number 2 on the rock charts .. EverGreen is on no 13!! .. Flattering really. But after a while I think Dark Matter is better than EverGreen. Sort of dissapointing because I recorded Dark Matter before EverGreen. Then again Evergreen was supposed to be more metal-ish so it might appeal to a different crowd. Still in the process of reorganizing my PC, reformatted it, so recording new material might take some time. I might redo the song M. Hopefully to make it better because I think it does have potential.
Check out the site.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

EverGreen (beta 0.2)

Siap pn. This has to be the easiest recording I have ever done. 3 Hari je da abis rekod berbanding projek2 lama, smpi 2 minggu. Anyway, ada komen yg sebutan tak jelas... da btulkn skit ... so hopefully its alright. Didi ngn Topek tak brp berkenan ngn part tekno tu so I changed it a bit. Iza found out the sound wasn't balanced so I edited the effects a bit so now it sounds less bassy.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Been recording the new song EverGreen but it's proving to be tricky because as I approach the bridge, it gets less intense. Then it should be most intense during the chorus. Anyway, the game is going well, sort of. Done a chase camera. There was an object to do the job so had to learn how to use that. The problem is the camera is sort of for driving. So the mouse is used for camera movements. I thought the mouse could be used for controls. Well ... we'll see how it goes. I also did a SkyBox to surround the player so it doesnt look all black.

Still listening to Missy Higgins...


Monday, November 12, 2007

New Release !!!


Dark Matter (New Vocals)

I have finished recording a new song called EverGreen. Its about Global Warming. I'll wait for feedback before recording the full version. Its a modified, polished up version of my old song called friend. As for Dark Matter, I rerecorded the vocals using a new microphone I bought. Yg DJ radio pakai tu. Expensive, sort of, but definitely worth it and crucial to my recording quality. Though I could still use someone with a better voice.


Sunday, November 11, 2007

Current Status

Haven't updated my blog in ages. Just finished one of the hardest subjects I have taken. 3rd year degree Math, Algorithms and Complexities. Calculus was indeed challenging, until now. Number Theory has made Calculus somewhat trivial. Just sat for the finals for that subject. Quite tough. I hate the questions, that take some inspiration to answer. Questions that say, "Come up with an Algorithm" .. well .. ok ... then "Prove it yields an optimal solution" ..
What the **** ... Coming up with an algorithm(especially one in O(nlgn) time) in 10 minutes is hard enough. But proving it yields an optimal solution, means we have to prove that there is no other way we can get another better answer than the one the algorithm gets.

Anyway ... put that behind me ... whats done is done.

Game in JAVA. Just to test and push the limits of JAVA performance. Concept is a GUNDAM shoot em up kind of games. There aren't many people working on this one so it will take time to finish. Baru ajak Topek and Marwan. Spe2 yg rasa nak join cuba2 ... boleh je. After 1 Day I have obtained this :
Nothing much. Just a still model and we can 'fly around' and view it in wireframe, etc. The FramesPerSecond drops from about 150 to 28 when rendering the entire model. I think it has too many polygons. Got to remodel it. I used the JMonkeyEngine library to build this game.
The JAVA engine is of coarse multiplatform but requires specific libraries available for each platform, so it SHOULD run on all platforms.

Been listening to Missy Higgins lately. Its not Japanese and not rock either. But it is good, beautiful music. I first saw her live and loved it. The lives were more jazzy. Been looking for the live versions but I can't find them.

I'm still composing a new song called EverGreen. Almost done but recording it will take some time. Also I have almost finished rerecording the vocals for Dark Matter, but my voice didn't turn out to be as good as I thought it was. Still looking for a vocalist !! I'll finish it hopefully tomorrow.
